Where is the sun??
I am completely lost. What should I sew? the weather is so grey and cold, it fells wrong to sew anything for summer because I'm obviously not going to wear it now. But I don't have anymore winter fabric. I just re-stashed my home with some flowy, light fabric for those supposed warm spring days. It's sad.
Still, last week I made a nice dress. In my mind, it is perfect to lounge, to go to the beach or to go shopping in the small village where I spend my holidays.
dressed up
dressed down
The fabric, is viscose with bouquets of blue flowers. I lined it, except for the sleeves because my book says not to, and I agree with it, if I am cold I 'll put a sweater on.
I got lucky while cutting it. I was soooo pleased to finally make a dress for summer that I forgot to think about the flower's placement, I only realized it when I put it on :D
I don't always switch on my brains when I sew, eh, what are you gonna do? The flowers are in the right place no? Thanks to randomness...
I added some sleeves because summer is not that warm in Brittany, and because it's cute. Oh, and pockets, I always like to have pockets in my dresses. They are simply sewn in the side seam.
I added some pipping to the neckline, I didn't know if I should put some on the sleeves or at the pocket opening, but then I sewed everything and forgot about it, and I could only put it at the collar. I told you, here in Germany my brain in on vacation!
I used some bias I bought at the Stoffmarkt Holland market, and some cord. At first I sewed it to the dress without sewing the bias and the cord together, but it was sticking too much out of the neckline. So I made a proper pipping like in the image above. Sometimes I try to take short-cuts, but it doesn't always work. And it usually ends up by taking much more time.
In that spirit I lined the dress (with my new lining fabric) thinking I had made a good work. Turns out this dress has a life of its own. It took me quite some time to get it right, and looking at the pictures it might not be perfect yet. What do you think?
See, I wanted to hide the hem of the lining but the length didn't seem right although I cut it at the exact same size as my dress. It's a sewing mystery.
That's all for construction. Only two darts for the bust, no buttons or zipper. Had I not made some mistakes it would have been super easy to make. It will be better next time.
More picture? Maybe you would be interested to see if it works for the beach:
looks totally appropriate!
And what about Venice?
Or at lake Como?
What do you say? I have to much free time? Nah, there's nothing like too much free time.
Besides, it makes me feel really good seeing myself on vacation in Italy and on a marvellous beach. I miss you sun, come back, I've made some shorts too!!